Posts tagged ‘broadcloth’

March 6, 2014

Sewing the Doublet

Actually, like a fool I forgot to take too many photos whilst I made up the doublet. I did lay out the tabs before I put1939902_619718428098596_268017672_n them around the waistline. The fabric is quite fine, so I layered the tabs with a piece of broadcloth inside each one, wrapping the outer black wool around the inner and then whipping the linen lining to the inside.

The next picture is a close up of the finishing off under the girdle stead that neatens the edge between the body 1779731_620663798004059_2145840138_nlining and the tabs. It all gets covered up by the girdle stead strip. This is where the eyes will be sewn when the thing is finished

Here are two pictures of the (nearly) finished doublet showing the inside and outside views. I need to finish four buttonholes and the doublet is done.

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